Artist Bio
Megan McCrea is an award-winning American contemporary pastel artist who creates captivating, impressionistic landscapes. After graduating from Drexel University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fashion Design and an Associate’s Degree in Art History in 2007, she went on to have a career as a fashion buyer, and continued to draw and paint in her spare time. In 2020, Megan leaned more heavily into her creativity, and fell in love with the medium of Soft Pastels. In 2021, she was accepted into the Philadelphia Pastel Society and began to exhibit in local pastel shows. In 2022, Megan was accepted as an Associate Member of the Pastel Society of America, and won 1st place in the Philadelphia Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition in October 2022. In 2024, Megan was granted the honor of Signature status within the Philadelphia Pastel Society.
Megan is inspired by landscapes that hold a special place in her heart - most frequently her native Chester County, Pennsylvania and her her current home in Long Neck, Delaware. However, she also draws inspiration from her travels throughout the U.S., most often Eddington, Maine and Avon, North Carolina.
Megan currently makes her home in Long Neck, Delaware with her husband of over 15 years and their two daughters.
Exhibitions & Events
2025 Tucson Pastel Society “Power of Pastel” Juried International Webshow
2024 Philadelphia Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition
2024 International Association of Pastel Societies 44th Open Division Juried Exhibition
2024 Chester County Studio Tour
2024 Philadelphia Pastel Society Juried Members Exhibition
2023 October Gallery Walk - featured artist at Pine+Quill
2023 Connecticut Pastel Society’s National “Renaissance in Pastel” Juried Exhibition
2023 Philadelphia Pastel Society National Juried Exhibition
2023 American Impressionist Society Associate Member Online Juried Exhibition
2023 Adirondack National Pastel Juried Exhibition
2023 Chester County Studio Tour
2023 Philadelphia Pastel Society Juried Members Show
2022 Chester County Art Walk
2022 Philadelphia Pastel Society, National Juried Exhibition - Awarded 1st Place
2022 Chester County Art Association, Members Exhibition
2022 Philadelphia Pastel Society, “Hello Spring” Juried Members Exhibition
I believe art is the most beautiful combined expression of our soul and our humanity.
Art joins these two aspects of our being in the most unique visual experience. When we feature a piece of original art in our homes, it reminds us that, at our core, we are ALL creative beings, capable of shaping the world.
I have long been on a path of deeper spiritual reconnection with the beautiful, natural world we are blessed to live in, but sadly have grown so separate from. Modern day innovation brings a relentless speed and so many physical barriers that cause us to lose sight of our innate connection with Mother Earth. We can so easily get lost in the monotony of everyday modernity. Pastel painting allows me to explore my curiosity, connection, and awe, of the majestic divinity of this world, with my own two hands.
My painting process offers the pause my soul craves.
I love beginning my paintings with acrylic ink or by mixing my pastels with alcohol to create a vibrant underpainting that peaks through the finished product, creating an unmistakable glow. Then the process of layering the dry pastels of varying softness over top, with textured mark-making techniques, begins. When my painting experience is at its best, I’m painting, making my marks, and my world slows down. I slip into this beautiful meditative state of creation, where I’m not over-thinking, I’m just making, from a place of intuitive, embodied, unconscious decisions.
I most often paint scenes from places that hold a special place in my heart: Chester County, Pennsylvania; Eddington & Bar Harbor, Maine; and Avon, North Carolina. Each of these places inspires me. Some are nostalgic; places full of memories. And some are hopeful, forward facing; glimpses of what might be to come. All hold moments that have captivated me.
Moments are what make a life, both big and small, and we’re never promised the next one. That’s why, whenever I feel that swelling of gratitude in my chest, overwhelmed by the beauty that surrounds me, I do my best to translate it, through my art.
My hope is that my paintings also offer you a pause. A glimpse at one moment in time. An invitation to stop and consider the moment before you, your humanity, and the world in which we live.
2007 B.S. in Fashion Design / Minor in Art History at Drexel University, Philadelphia PA
Philadelphia Pastel Society - Signature Member
Pastel Society of America - Assoc. Member
American Impressionist Society - Assoc. Member
Rehoboth Art League
2022 First Place, Philadelphia Pastel Society National Exhibition