The Ebb & Flow of Creativity
As Autumn draws to a close and winter approaches, I feel my creativity slowing, naturally following the rhythms of nature. Logically, I know this is normal. As humans, we’re not built to produce, produce, produce without stretches of time to be able to rest and recover. And, after all, I am making the conscious choice to prioritize time with my family during my favorite time of the year, Christmas. But that doesn’t stop the guilt from creeping in. From such a young age it’s instilled in us that if we aren’t consistently producing we aren’t useful or valuable. But I also know that some of the most incredible things emerge from stillness, if we’ll only allow the stillness to be.
And so, while it’s uncomfortable, I’m trying to accept this phase of my creativity as it is… I’m finding joy in smaller moments of spontaneous, exploratory creativity. After all, I know that if I don’t show up at all, I’m not holding the channel open for inspiration to strike. I’m also enjoying the act of just observing the natural beauty around me, rather than trying to capture it within a painting immediately. I’m feeling the observations sinking deeper than they ever have before, and I have a hunch all of my noticing is being stored away somewhere while my heart and mind calibrate all that I take in. I also know it’s important to take the time to look back over this past year and acknowledge the growth that has taken place. Not only in my artistic practice, but in showing my work as well. Before this year, I never shared my work with anyone other than my close family and friends. There are many experiences and opportunities to be thankful for, and it seems only right to devote time and space to hold them in gratitude before delving into 2022.
And so I will trust that when I’ve rested, been quiet long enough, and the time is right, I will recognize the creative pull when I feel it, and studio painting will again find it’s consistent rhythm in my life once again. Until then, I’m wishing you the happiest of holiday seasons, filled with warmth, laughter, and bear hugs from your loved ones.
Rest, refuel, and be well.